Monday, July 30, 2007

The Bob and Condi Show

Or, beware geeks bearing gifts.

The Secretaries of Defense and State are leaving for a swing around the Middle East, visiting our friends and coming with about $63B in arms deals that lets them know that they really are our friends.

Would we sell armaments to our enemies? Don't answer that.

Israeli representatives in the US Congress, who number in the hundreds, quickly protested the sale of $20B in high tech weaponry to the Saudis, while the Israelis themselves seemed more sanguine. After all, the Saudis have to actually pay for their's, while the Israelis get their $30B bonanza paid for by the US, not a bad deal. The Egyptians too are getting $13B, they too have the key to the US treasury. The Saudis have never posed a threat to anyone, and the only use they will have for satellite guided bombs is target practice. Anyway, who owns the satellites?

So, with all those arms promising tons of good will, what good news can we expect Bob and Condi to bring back to the land of the free? Will we get a chorus of bomb, bomb, bomb Iran? Will the Saudis, Egypt and Jordan agree to handcuff Hamas? Or could our traveling troupe be bringing word of some shift in US policy from what has been no policy at all? Could this be a sign that the Middle East portfolio has been removed from Cheney's grasp for good and delivered to the 'realists'?

Stay tuned, Blog Simple is on it!


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