Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Nothing to see here...

While on the subject of the press ignoring stories to death, certain quarters are banging their little drums to get people to take some notice of the strange case of Sibel Edmonds. Lukery, of the Wot Is It Good 4 blog has set up a site, Let Sibel Edmonds Speak, dedicated to the strange proposition that it would be a good thing to listen to what Sibel has to say. Unless you are familiar with the case, you might not know that Sibel cannot speak, she has been silenced by the US government. Another good source of information about Sibel is The Stress Blog by Scott Horton.

For background, go to the sites, and if the story impresses you and you want to hear more you might want to call Waxman and Conyers (as Lukery urges) and ask that they ungag Sibel.

But what is really interesting is that, apart from a few relatively lonely bloggers, and some special interest groups, no one will touch this story. Do a Google news search on Sibel Edmonds and you will find that none of MSM has touched this case with a ten foot pole, and correspondingly, none of the big bloggers have touched it either. No interest, no discussion, not even a put down is warranted by the guardians of our discourse, so just move along.

It will be interesting to see if the efforts by Lukery and Horton to involve Congress will have any success. It's clear that unless they do, the press will keep their little heads all firmly turned in other directions.


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