Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fantasy Fred

Frequent readers of Blog Simple should know that we have dubbed Fred Thompson our 'favorite' candidate for POTUS, favorite meaning the person we believe will be elected, not our own personal choice, Dennis Kucinich's wife.

Opting not to join the select group of masochists that watch the presidential debates, we rely on the reportage of our nation's finest news organizations for a summary.

All goes to confirm our prediction. The press noted that Thompson did not drool, nor did he actually babble. Those are given as positives, and validate the consensus that Fred at least held his own, while McCrazy, Ground Zero and Rummy fail to grip.

But I (speaking as the editor of the Blog Simple group) must confess that lately I have had my doubts. A couple of recent news photos of Fred were not flattering, and show a lack of attention to detail by his organization. His lovely wife seems to have disappeared, and that just makes him look older. Basically, he didn't look well, and that's not good for a guy who depends on image. Gruff ol' Fred needs to start taking a pick-me-up, climb in the old pick-up, and exploit some good old fashioned American nostalgia for the country we used to be, and with Fred's help will be again, damn it!


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